SSL09 Lisbon City Sounds


Small Description: This collection includes 44 original surround recordings from my last trip to Lisbon. Choose between ST and 5.1 Version, or the bundle one!
Author: Alvaro de Iscar
Format: Stereo & Surround 5.1
Number of files: 44 files
Quality: 48Khz 24bit
Total Size: 3 Gb

30,00  VAT exc.

SSL09 Lisbon City Sounds

Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world, and the oldest city in Western Europe, predating other modern European capitals such as London, Paris and Rome by hundreds of years. Lisbon (Portuguese: Lisboa) has experienced a renaissance in recent years, with a contemporary culture that is alive and thriving and making its mark in today’s Europe. Perched on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon is one of the rare Western European cities that face the ocean and uses water as an element that defines the city. Lisbon enchants travelers with its white bleached limestone buildings, intimate alleyways, and an easy going charm that makes it a popular year round destination.

There are so many things to see and do in Lisbon that visitors have access to a wide array of different experiences.As we walk through Lisbon – whose history spans back thousands of years – we find streets filled with heritage monuments, and characteristic neighbourhoods where the city first developed and can still be experienced at its most genuine level.Visit Lisbon of the River Tagus, whose riverfront is dedicated to leisure activities and links the monumental zone of Belém with the modern area of the Parque das Nações.

This small collection of sounds, include a variety of ambiences, feels, and classics Lisbon Sounds. They are part of my last travel to this amazing city!

They include sounds from Rossio Square, Comerce Square, Trains, Belem, Underground, Baixo Chiado Neighbourdhood, Sant George Castle, street ambiences, Markets ambiences…


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

All the files have metadata embebed for great Soundminer type programs. They both include Spanish and English description.

This collection includes 44 files, 48/24 stereo or surround 5.1. You can choose STEREO, SURROUND or Both Collections.


Check PDF “Files List” for more information about the files included in WSL009.


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