SSL40 Immersive Industries


Author: Alvaro de Iscar
Format: Dolby ATMOS, 5.1, Stereo, ambiX B-FORMAT AMBISONIC
Number of files: +400 files
Quality: 48Khz 24bit
Total Size: +85 Gb

150,00  VAT exc.


The First Industrial Revolution, which arised in the second half of the 18th century, meant a series of industrial and socioeconomical transformations and a turning point on sound: the end of silence.

Asturian sound editor and designer Oscar de Avila is the main recordist of this Library. He begins his career in the mid 90s as a music composer and sound editor for audiovisual media, carrying out numerous projects for several institutions and film production companies in the Principality of Asturias.

Founder and editor of the blog, which is a space of reference dedicated to the promotion of the ART of sound creation for the Spanish and Latin American film media through different professionals and work areas, and he is a usual collaborator on the radio programme “Noche tras Noche”, which is broadcast by RPA (Autonomous radio of the Principality of Asturias) in a section which is devoted to sound purpose in the cinema world.


[youtube src=”” height=”480″ width=”720″]


This large compilation of registers formed by forced sounds, dark and electrical textures and industrial-themed backgrounds have been registered in 2019 at the most important and strategic areas (they had difficult access and permits were hard to get) around some industrial locations in the Principality of Asturias,Spain, which is my home place, as I was working for a documentary website on Asturian industrial historic heritage as the only responsible for sound design and editing (


Through my work on this project, I had the chance of recording the unique resounding landscapes from the steelmaker and metallurgical factories, blast furnaces, coal and gold mines, coal-fired and hydraulics power stations, chemical plants and other industrial areas that are part of the Asturian industrial fabric and idiosyncrasy, and later, that would allow us to create the sound design and editing of all the audiovisual clips that were posted on the documentary website.

All the sounds that this collection is composed of have been obtained and recorded on an ambisonic format, which shows wonderful treatment possibilities and configuration when using them on the different phases of sound design and editing of any project that needs a resounding construction of industrial resounding atmospheres and backgrounds. Besides, all the recordings include metadata in English and Spanish, and they are compatible with software of sound library management like Soundminnner.



We have decoded all the First Order Ambisonic recordings with HarpeX plugin into 7.1.2 Dolby ATMOS bed configuration, using the top channel to create totally outstanding ambiences tracks ready to use!

With Ambisonic Recordings you will be able to decode it from mono to Atmos systems! Its important to think in ambisonics as the way to go for VR and modern Film Sound Post Production, and we are ready for it!

All our libraries are UCS compliant ( In this new category system all files contain extensive metadata like file description, Category & Subcategory. Metadata can be read and processed by the most common audio libraries management tools . Starting with Full support from Soundminer and more audio tools adopting this system, we are adopting metadata UCS system in our files!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

We mixed this library in Best Digital Madrid, Dolby Atmos Premiere Mixing Stage. Here some pics of the Mastering session:



Ambisonics allows you to transcode the B-format files into a a lot of formats, (by using the free RODE DECODER plugin, the amazing Harpex B Converter or the NoiseMakers tools) – including stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround and higher immersive formats!.


ambiX First Order Ambisonic, Dolby ATMOS 7.12, 5.1 and ST files have been mastered with Pro Tools 2020 Ultimate system, and are included in the purchase.




In this pack you will find a great IMMERSIVE INDUSTRIES sounds in order to use it in your films, TV, VR & multimedia projects.

Total Runtime:+06h 00m

> 400 Ambiences / +85 GB
> 24 bit / 48 kHz
> Soundminer and BWAV extended metadata


All the files have metadata embebed for Soundminer and similar programs. They both include Spanish and English description.



Check PDF “Files List” for more information about the files included in SSL40.

Check COMPLETE COLLECTION METADATA for more information about the whole collection.